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Introductory workshop in myofascial release techniques

Participants will learn how myofascial structures adapt in the presence of poor posture in order to maintain economy of movement and pain free range of motion in joints. Global posture analysis using the GPS equipment enables therapists to identify structures that require treatment in order to restore proper posture and function.

The workshop will demonstrate how the Sinthesi treatment couches have become an integral part of postural training and treatments for many therapists. With its 8 independently moveable sections and quiet and seamless movement control functions therapists can offer a new and unique range of myofascial treatments that are effective and efficient in treating many disorders.

Sinthesi couches allow the therapist to effortlessly put patients into countless myofascial stretch postures that can be easily maintained for longer periods of time and without effort. In this relaxed position various techniques can be applied to provide restoring myofascial stretch, increase joint range of motion and obtain an antalgic posture for acute pain relief. Even more so, the Sinthesi couches are an ideal starting position to initiate CORE activation exercises from and start isometric muscle work.

The myofascial release techniques workshop is now available worldwide from Chinesport. It's the ideal starting point for practitioners seeking to enhance their myofascial work. Participants will learn how to use the unique Sinthesi therapy couch in a global approach to myofascial therapy in order to restore natural myofascial length and improve posture and function.

Contact our specialist Stef Harley to get updated about the forthcoming courses.


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