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Launching the GPS Therapeutic Pathways Concept

We will be launching our newest GPS Therapeutic Pathways concept to our partners and customers worldwide at Arab Health 2017. This concept is the result of many years of cooperation with leading medical and rehabilitation experts from all over the world. At the centre of the GPS Therapeutic Pathways concept lies the notion that healthy posture is needed for healthy movement. Over the years we have worked together with experts and users of our GPS Postural Labs to better understand how they use this equipment to assess patients' posture and how they then work with patients to treat and prevent injuries and disorders. Because of our wide range of therapeutic devices and systems we have been able to develop a complete solution for therapists, allowing them to treat patient from a global posture viewpoint. Our experts agree that this eventually leads to more efficient and effective treatments and prevention.

Angelo Snidero, founder and owner Chinesport, remarks that «the process of cooperating with our valued customers has led us to develop a deeper understanding of the current needs of rehabilitation specialist. From our extensive range of products we were then able to develop a package of treatment modalities that are essential for a modern and successful practice. In this way we are able to offer our customers a true turn-key solution for their practice. We would like GPs Therapeutic Pathways to represent a one-stop-shop solution that is easy to learn, is affordable, yet remains to be state-of-the-art. It is also for that reason that we welcome the initiative of our valued customers to come together under the GPS Academy to provide education and conduct research in posture assessment and postural reeducation».

Stef Harley, Master in Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy, and GPS Academy member will be demonstrating how he uses the GPS Therapeutic Pathways concept in his practice, on a daily basis during Arab Health. Since 2008, Stef has been using Chinesport's products to assess posture and treat a wide varied of musculoskeletal disorders. His patient base includes Olympic, World and European champions in a wide variety of sports. “I acquired my GPS 400 Postural Lab in 2008 and have been using it on a daily basis since then. This provides me crucial information on how the different parts of the body interact with each other and how a certain type of injury or disorder may have been caused, or how faulty posture is causing issues for the patient. Based on this detailed global posture assessment, I decide on how best to treat the patient using a focused treatment plan that consists of different therapeutic pathways. In the first pathway we use electrophysiological equipment with which we modulate acute pain and inflammation. We are very enthusiastic users of Chinesport’s TCare, which delivers cellular regeneration and remodelling. I have been using this product for some time now and through its therapeutic properties is helps reduce both acute and chronic pain, and assists in healing inflammation (e.g. tendinitis). Once we have a pain-free patient we can start working on improving his function using therapeutic exercises. For this we use the Archimede system because it allows to develop an unlimited range of exercise modalities and adjust exercises exactly to the patient's needs and abilities. During these exercises we will probably be confronted with limitations in range of motion that are caused by contractions in the myofascial system. Treating these limitations requires myofascial release techniques for which we use the Sinthesi therapeutic table; this is our third therapeutic pathway. Once the patient is pain-free and function has been restored we need to integrate new, healthy posture and movement patterns into daily life situations. For this we use a wide variety of proprioceptive devices (balance pads, rolls, etc...). We can also use a combination of all three previous pathways (Archimede, Sinthesi and TCare). Quite literally, I place patients in a position on the Sinthesi table that stretches the affected myofascial chain, I put them in a sling system that requires them to use muscle strength to stay in position, and at the same time use TCare to increase joint range of motion. The therapeutic results can be pretty impressive.”

Stef will provide regular demonstrations on our booth during all days of Arab Health. Private 1-hour workshops can also be arranged upon request.


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